Friday, June 5, 2009


Happiness, something all are in search of. But probably there are only a few or rather very few who actually get it. Those who get it even they also tend to become unhappy in want of more. This is the word that governs all the minds and souls.... WANT??
All must be thinking that when we get what we desire we can be happy.. but actually it is not like that. The most stabbing truth of all is that there is no end to human desires and wants. This makes people unhappy and sad. Those few people who think that they have what they are searching for are the people who are happy.
but then, those people in some part of life think that they don't have that much what they are worth then this starts the unhappy life again. Before God all the carping people say that they are not happy but God can't do anything. Its totally a variable. Even Bill Gates or the Ambanis are not happy persons. But there might be happiness in a beggar's life. People always start gross behaviour when they think they are unhappy. They don't think that this would make others unhappy. Actually what the brain and heart want is that if I am not happy why should others be?
We can be happy even with a warm hug of a friend but not with a million dollars. It is only because of the word, WANT or DESIRE. If we stop having expectations of anything from anyone (Even God) then we can start of thinking about living a blithe life. But so long as we think about a result or an outcome of a task or job we can't be happy. Desire of even a penny would make a life measurable, this much power the word has...... Its an art which we need to learn not expecting. It is the most difficult thing to learn probably, but we have to do it. This can only make our life blithe. We can just do our level best, rest is destiny. Whatever we get we might be getting less than we deserve but can wait for the time when we will see that we got more than that. I meant to say a particular man's happiness and unhappiness are almost same if we count it through out the life. We just forget the happy days often and roam around sad ones.
We can be happy when we don't want anything. And whatever we get we think we were worth it only. This attitude can only make us happy throughout the life. When we start doing this we even can get peace in life. And peace and happiness are very intimate to each other....

AND WE CAN LEAD A BLITHE LIFE...................


  1. I agree... sometimes the waves of desires take people into grave storms, but again they are the same waves which take them to the brightest shores that they have ever dreamt of.
    This is Life...!!

    For a dreamer like me, desires form the soul. And I am meaningless without it. I just need to swim my way through 'em.

  2. something that will follow you if you are not following it..........
    ...........once you try to follow it you keep doing that and never succeed............

    So you are quite right!!

  3. ya its really true dat we can be happy even with a warm hug of a friend but not with a million dollars......really like dz blog.....

  4. very wonderful flow of emotions..
    A wonderful concept from ur side..
    bt opinion may vary from person to person as far as lyf is concerned.

  5. happines z d thng d way u thnk it as 2 b.... if u wanna b happy in newz u can b...nice concept...

  6. happiness is sth which can only pursue but never really can get it
    use more adjectives to increase ur appeal

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. yup...i think happiness ....a total abstract algebra.....u cant locate its coordinates....the more u approach towards it...the more it tends 2wards infinty......soooo
    the ultimate truth is live ur life n forget ur age....andd
    have ZERO expectations frm life.....
    but do have a mission or vision in ur life!!!!

  9. thats what i meant to say.. keep on doing ur deed.. dnt expect to overcome..... u can by virtue of hard work...

  10. ya end of desires..... or in other words attaining satisfaction is d only key to happiness..... but its next to we can try to get happiness from d small n trivial good things dat happen with us.... d ultimate happiness is unattainable.... at least for normal humans like us...

  11. yaa...... u have realised the basic human impulses .....all that u have blogged is really fantastic but in this superfluous world ..getting to the real end of this desires( especially materialistic )is something ... like a nightmare dream for a big tycoon ..... leave alone normal blokes like us .......

  12. hey good one buddy!
    yeah its very true..
    when u stop expecting...
    when u know wat the worst can happen,,,
    then their is no fear no hatred,,no tensions...

    u r in a peace of mind a few can explain....


  13. well done dude nice job keep it up...

  14. really a nice post...
    'stop expecting from God and Luck'
    Do your job,Get the result accordingly...

    TRY to be honest in life.That is the best part.
