Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Life is full of tears,
Heart is full of fears.

One comes out in the rain,
But noone can see his pain.

Time is wasted in crying,
but is never utilised in trying.

So keep on trying till getting success,
THis way we can always win the race.

Come along with the call of soul,
Then only we can reach the goal.

Every stone can be a gem,
We should enjoy work like game.

Enjoying gives the ultimate pleasure,
Then only we feel work as liesure.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sankalp 2009: The Story so far

Sankalp 2009: The Story so far
And the story told by our friend Birupakhya is not all that happened. There has been meetings conducted by our team, where various issues have been discussed. The clubs which will be leading way to the various events in the Sankalp'09 have given their suggestions and proposals. These will be discussed in detail in the subsiquent meetings.

At this point of time unity is a must among the core members and the Nistians in a whole. We must think in a broad perspective forgetting the mean thinkings. We all are one, all are nistians. No feeling like hostellite, locallite, outside Odisha students etc should come. They will never make them progress rather will pull from back. All what has happened is for good and what will happen should be better and the ultimate result the BEST.

Personal thinkings should be dumped away. Now if Prince Dance group can become the winner of India's Got talent.... Why can't we be at par with the IITians in terms of events and technical issues?? If we think we can, then it will...... after all now we are having our college in the most talented city in the country.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

My Love part-2

So I am here again to write about the continuation now. It is about the previous post about "My Love" that i had written.
Now I tell u all those who are my friends that I love all of you. The post was to show my love to all of you and to let you all know how important you all are for me. But some of of my friends thought that it is not showing but showing off. So now i had to edit that post completely. By the way those who are my very intimate and close friends know how close they are and all know I am a friend to all..
So i thought that there is no need for such a post. I specially thank all of them who did not care whether I will feel bad or not and dared to tell me the truth about the disliking for the post. I love all my friends and they can't be ranked. It was just to let others know who my close to heart buddies and who are not..
But perhaps it is not required to express. So now i have edited that post copletely so hopefully no one will have any objection now. And no one will say"I dont give a damn to that post"........
Everyone is important and will satnd in his/her own place so now i think am doing right. And for those who liked that idea of post to them i would say don't mind please an by the way everyone knows about it neways.....
WITH LOVE TO ALL........ Thank you....

Friday, June 5, 2009

The Pretension of Love... a current day scenario

Love!! So what love actually is? Is this a feeling or is this something we find as we need it. Does it happen or we ignite… A lot of things may be asked as question….

Yes love is a feeling which starts in our heart and ends in our soul. But is this really what love is? The answer can’t be a straight forward one. This is not the days of Shakespeare now; not even the days of Romeo and Juliet; it’s the era of the current lovers who really don’t know what love exactly is. The love goes on switching from one person to another till everything is finished. Love is no longer a divine or pious. Actually it is not true 100% but most of the times it is. In these days I say. The metros have imbibed this culture of devil love just like a virus.

People don’t want to wait for their perfect match or love to happen… they want to fall in it as soon as possible. Having a boyfriend or a girlfriend has become more or less like a fashion. “Yes I have a girlfriend”, every boy wants to say this and every girl… just the opposite. In metropolitan cities people change their love as clothes now a days. Playboys and tomboys play with the hearts and go on their way. They are the ones who have the last laugh. They have the perfect wiles to win hearts which is not there in a good boy/girl. They are not even able to express their true love and remain silent fallacy wins most of the times. Now love has become dissolute. no one wants to take admonation from good friends or even parents.

I wonder what have parents done wrong. They keep on loving their siblings but the children take these kind of decision to spoil their life and parents' status. Society is becoming a n enimy as if. Is this really necessary to have a counterpart? If it is so then why not to use the brain to find someone who is fit. The fact remains that 73% of the devorces that take place is between them who have a love marriage..... Though it is the heart that falls in love but after that also one must use his/her brain so that these upcomings won't come. Zaniness should not win over wisdom. It is good falling in love but not to fall for love. An unanimous catcry that has overshadowed the youth these days must not spoil the society. There should not be a competition in the youth for having a boyfriend or girlfriend as happening these days.

If all want to live a halcyon life then this stupidity must not prevail. Although true love has not died. There are a lot of comitted couples who actually love each other but even more are there who are are couples for the shake of being a couple.... Which is farcical....... CRAZE IS NOT ALWAYS GOOD>>>.... The people who pretend to be in love must realise what actual love is and must think before leaping in the holy world of love......


Happiness, something all are in search of. But probably there are only a few or rather very few who actually get it. Those who get it even they also tend to become unhappy in want of more. This is the word that governs all the minds and souls.... WANT??
All must be thinking that when we get what we desire we can be happy.. but actually it is not like that. The most stabbing truth of all is that there is no end to human desires and wants. This makes people unhappy and sad. Those few people who think that they have what they are searching for are the people who are happy.
but then, those people in some part of life think that they don't have that much what they are worth then this starts the unhappy life again. Before God all the carping people say that they are not happy but God can't do anything. Its totally a variable. Even Bill Gates or the Ambanis are not happy persons. But there might be happiness in a beggar's life. People always start gross behaviour when they think they are unhappy. They don't think that this would make others unhappy. Actually what the brain and heart want is that if I am not happy why should others be?
We can be happy even with a warm hug of a friend but not with a million dollars. It is only because of the word, WANT or DESIRE. If we stop having expectations of anything from anyone (Even God) then we can start of thinking about living a blithe life. But so long as we think about a result or an outcome of a task or job we can't be happy. Desire of even a penny would make a life measurable, this much power the word has...... Its an art which we need to learn not expecting. It is the most difficult thing to learn probably, but we have to do it. This can only make our life blithe. We can just do our level best, rest is destiny. Whatever we get we might be getting less than we deserve but can wait for the time when we will see that we got more than that. I meant to say a particular man's happiness and unhappiness are almost same if we count it through out the life. We just forget the happy days often and roam around sad ones.
We can be happy when we don't want anything. And whatever we get we think we were worth it only. This attitude can only make us happy throughout the life. When we start doing this we even can get peace in life. And peace and happiness are very intimate to each other....

AND WE CAN LEAD A BLITHE LIFE...................

Thursday, April 9, 2009

My Love

There are some people who r very special for u in life. They make u happy when u r with them,if they dont make u happy also u feel the happiness. I also have some people like that. Now in this blog I want to thank them all and ask them to be with me like this for ever.

I love these people from my heart an soul.
1st i love my parents. Ofcourse everyone should and those who dont are not eligible bor being in the society. My brother Ajoy Dash(Pupun).

I love my sisters:
1. Nikita Panigrahi(Ricky)
2. Namrata Panigrahi(Nilu)
3. Banani Patnaik(Banu)
4. Mausumi Behera(Daisy)
5. Sikha Gartia(Deepsikha)

My friends who are there with me in my happy and difficult times. I love them very much.... Those are my boyfriends.. Hey don' think anything wrong. Thank you all..

Now its the turn of my girl friends to thank...... Hey don't be confused.. Its not what u may think.. They are friends who are girls......... All know I don't have a girlfriend... They are the one who made me behave social from an unsocial creature..... So i am very thankful to them. I love to be with them be it in college or anywhere else because they are so sweet.....

I love you all.............. Thanx for being with me so far... hope u all will be with me for the rest of my life too......
i will try my best to be with all my friends lifelong. Stay in touch... MUAH.............

Saturday, March 7, 2009

The Obama Effect

Mr Barack Obama is the name the world is going crazy these days. But is he worth it. may be he is . But what makes the whole world follow his steps day by day? He is the president of USA, is it the only reason. For me its no. May be that its one of the reasons, but not the main.

Its what I have got from all the happenings, its because he is black. Yes it is..
I know many may feel it a sour soup to drink but it has to be drunk. I followed everything regarding his life. He has just not become so famous overnight. He is not a star son or a son of a president as Mr. Bush, he was rather a drunkard and drug addict. But he is so composed that he has become a man with a lot of importance. He has gone in the range of great legend like Mr. Lincoln. His life is a tableau of a man of a person coming from a very low profile to the most powerful person in world. Although he is dormant till now, but still he has a lot of time in his hand. He has a lot of expectations from not only the Americans but the whole world. Although he was never a soigne but he himself has made him so strong that no one can ever know. But still there is a dearth of a good leader in him till now. He is so far ineffective and hopefully it will not continue. He is somewhat like our Aurangzeb who had a lot of ideas but without having proper execution plan. But it will be too early to say about him now. His polite appearance and real powerful speeches make him even more special. "We can and we will", the strong statement made by him is binding all hope of the world.

As Indians, neighbouring people of Pakistan,we should have to be optimist about the happenings. And if we try to do anything more then we should we will be in a fix i suppose. Let us keep our fingers crossed..................